Expert Product Design
Transforming Manufacturing Challenges into Opportunities: The Role of Expert Product Design Services by Mark Diller In today’s competitive landscape, small and mid-sized manufacturers face unique
Transforming Manufacturing Challenges into Opportunities: The Role of Expert Product Design Services by Mark Diller In today’s competitive landscape, small and mid-sized manufacturers face unique
My Lean Journey by Matt Hoyng Nearly 10 years ago, I was managing an extrusion and injection molding manufacturing plant, and it was struggling. We
Manufacturing Economic Update September 2023 Guest post by: Leland Smith What Should Manufacturers Like Me Do About The Economy? Background: The Dayton Region Manufacturers Association
Strengthening Ohio DoD supply chain with automation and technology.
Funding is available through the Ohio Defense Manufacturing Community, to offer expertise to support solutions to increase production capacity, improve product quality, implement new factory floor technologies and up-skill your workforce to support new technologies and equipment.
The goal is to keep Ohio manufacturers at the forefront of innovation to grow, succeed, and compete.
As you know, in the manufacturing environment you have days when the production manager is arguing with the maintenance manager. While production needs to get the last order done by Monday, maintenance needs to service the equipment to ensure uptime, safety of the equipment and the operators around it.
It’s no secret that a clean, organized facility is a more productive facility. It’s the getting there part that can be the biggest challenge. But, when all of the hard work is finally done and you see the results, like improved safety, better quality and increased production, you know the journey has all been worth it.
Email: FastLane@udri.udayton.edu
Phone: (937) 229-1368
Mailing Address: 300 College Park #7537 Dayton, OH 45469-7537
Physical Address: 1700 S Patterson Blvd Dayton, OH 45409